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If you would like to schedule a Youth Leadership Council presentation at your school or organization -

or if you know of a teen that would be interested in joining,

please contact INSPIRE Adolescent Health & Wellness at

607.776.9467 ext. 226 or 229.

2-1-1 TeenHelpline 

In the Classroom

The problems of today's youth are vast and complicated. From their inner selves to family and outside influences, young people face more challenges than ever before-but 2-1-1 Teen HELPLINE is here to help and the students within the community!

Area health classes have implemented lessons on 2-1-1 Teen HELPLINE as a tool to empower teens to reach out and find help, whether for themselves, their friends, or their families. Lessons can range from in-class presentations to projects that require students to research a specific topic, contacting 2-1-1 Teen HELPLINE to access answers.

By encouraging seeking help within the classroom, students are more likely to be proactive in making decisions regarding their health and wellness. Equipped with the skills and tools to be a self-advocate, teens will feel more comfortable-and empowered-to get connected to local resources.

Presentation Photo Gallery

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